Matt Coakley

Splish Splash is mixed and mastered and it’s been sent it off to the presses. We’ve got a shipment of 50,000 vinyls coming soon. Just kidding. It will just be on streaming for now. Sorry to disappoint. (Blow this up though and I’ll be able to press some vinyl!)
Splish Splash is a celebration of summer, fun, youth, memories, love, and joy. I explore these themes in a musical tapestry of bright colors and organic instrument sounds. The musical genres vary from song to song, making it a kind of grab bag that ebbs and flows while staying true to the overall theme. The influences on this project range from funk, classic rock, jazz, Hawaiian, and Afro-Latino music of the Caribbean. That’s all I’ll say about it for now, I don’t want to spoil the whole thing!
I feel so gratified by this whole process. More than anything, I had so much fun writing these songs, arranging the instrument parts, and learning to sing them. I also had some really cool collaborations on this project, which I’ll share closer to the release. Watch this space for more updates and musings, and stay tuned because I’ll be releasing one more single before the EP drops! Oh, and the amazing cover art was designed by Alexis Krohn!
Guys... did I just write the EP of the summer???